Montag, 1. August 2011

Is smoking a need for you? Re consider your decision

Do you need to smoke? Well answering that would be a little difficult. Because, yes for mental satisfaction that is one pleasure stick but the damage done to your body would take almost a decade to repair. So whom do you please the body or the mind.

How to quit smoking? There would be many answers to that one, but do you really need to? ….. That’s where the body falters and the mind takes over and you are addicted to the 4 inch cigarette.There are more than one reason to stop smoking, if you plan to quit then it is better to put up this list on your mirror so that you know what you would gain the day you stop smoking.

You would have a healthy heart

Your meeting with cancer would be cancelled

You would smell good and so will your car and home, the mustiness would disappear from your life

You would have fewer wrinkles, white teeth and your hair would look much better

You would have more energy for physical activities

You would not pant while running after your child

You can spare yourself and your children from coughs, colds and fevers.

You can have some small treats with the money saved.


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The last point means everything, loosing yourself for a piece of tobacco is too horrible even to think off. So go no further in this addiction, look up ways and decide on the how to quit smoking? If you are having a problem then do take the doctor’s advice or enroll into a support group.

Previous Post : Stopping Smoking isn’t tough with dedication

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

Stopping Smoking isn’t tough with dedication

Stopping Smoking, yes, that it a good thought. So here are some tips to help you succeed.So, Quit now, cleanse yourself, home and work area from the nicotine sticks. Try to pair up with another friend with the same thought so that you can help each other to success. Treat yourself with the money you have saved from not smoking. Try to maintain a healthy routine, either by walking, jogging, cycling that will take your mind off from your habit and it will also fight off the extra weight you might put on after you have quit smoking.

Flood yourself with lots of fluids to flush out all the toxins you have accumulated through smoking.Stopping Smoking is not an easy task, even after you have quit there will be many instance where you would be lured back into the circle. But assure yourself that this is one thing you are doing for yourself this is one thing you are doing to assure you have a healthy body and mind.

If you feel you lack the strength to do it alone , take the help of medication or Support groups who help in stopping smoking, it’s not just you but thousands of people who are addicted to the stick and it helps to meet a few who successfully kicked this habit and have a better lifestyle.Facing a couple of weeks withdrawals, irritation, sleeplessness is better than being a slave of nicotine for life and endangering your life and the lives of your loved ones as well.

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